Saturday, October 27, 2012


A few days ago my Creative Writing teacher, Mr. H told my class about this thing called NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month. It takes place in November. People use it to write novels, you have one month the write a 50,000 word novel, you get support all throughout the month. I think I’m going to use that to help me write my first book. I have the idea, I just don’t have the push, so I figure maybe it will help me.
Just from what I’ve seen it has a couple of cool features, the founders of the website email your profile support and pep talks, plus there is a daily word counter to help you along so you know how much you’ve written so far. I’m super excited for November to start now ^_^
I haven’t gotten very far into writing the story- just the first chapter, but it’s a start. I have had the entire story outlined, but then I lost the papers out of my binder, so that sort of sucks. But hey, at least I know where I want the story to go- though I may not have the original outline, I can just write up a new one.
I also need to figure out what sort of music fits the air of the story so that I can listen to it while I’m writing to get the proper feel. I think so far Apocalyptica, Epica, Lacuna Coil, Rhapsody of Fire and similar artists. And Dir En Grey, even though it’s not even close to a similar artist, I like the way the music makes me think and feel. (Well, some of the songs :P What I really love is Kyo's voice )
I love writing with music and writing this book in the winter is going to work well, based on where I want the book to go I need to be in a more sad or out of it mood, winter usually brings that type of feeling so it will work out well. The only problem is that this book is the best idea I’ve ever had and there isn’t really a way to make a sequel or anything. I guess there much be some way but I just don’t think it would really work : /
But yeah, so, NaNoWriMo is going to be a great help, I think. Have a great day guys ^_^ xx


  1. My husband and I were planning to do this too! So far we have sort of failed though...he had a little written but I haven't even gotten started! I'm hoping maybe tonight I will get a chance. I have a crazy idea about a creepy garden club...just need the time to write it! My baby likes to help me do everything, so writing while she's awake is just about impossible. Can't believe she let me type this much!

  2. Oh nice! I thought it was sort of not all that well known but there are a lot of people on there! It really surprised me. I hope you get the chance as well, I've been getting moving on my book. I love it!
    Little kids are cute how they love to help with everything :P Well, good luck ^_^
