Saturday, October 27, 2012


A few days ago my Creative Writing teacher, Mr. H told my class about this thing called NaNoWriMo- National Novel Writing Month. It takes place in November. People use it to write novels, you have one month the write a 50,000 word novel, you get support all throughout the month. I think I’m going to use that to help me write my first book. I have the idea, I just don’t have the push, so I figure maybe it will help me.
Just from what I’ve seen it has a couple of cool features, the founders of the website email your profile support and pep talks, plus there is a daily word counter to help you along so you know how much you’ve written so far. I’m super excited for November to start now ^_^
I haven’t gotten very far into writing the story- just the first chapter, but it’s a start. I have had the entire story outlined, but then I lost the papers out of my binder, so that sort of sucks. But hey, at least I know where I want the story to go- though I may not have the original outline, I can just write up a new one.
I also need to figure out what sort of music fits the air of the story so that I can listen to it while I’m writing to get the proper feel. I think so far Apocalyptica, Epica, Lacuna Coil, Rhapsody of Fire and similar artists. And Dir En Grey, even though it’s not even close to a similar artist, I like the way the music makes me think and feel. (Well, some of the songs :P What I really love is Kyo's voice )
I love writing with music and writing this book in the winter is going to work well, based on where I want the book to go I need to be in a more sad or out of it mood, winter usually brings that type of feeling so it will work out well. The only problem is that this book is the best idea I’ve ever had and there isn’t really a way to make a sequel or anything. I guess there much be some way but I just don’t think it would really work : /
But yeah, so, NaNoWriMo is going to be a great help, I think. Have a great day guys ^_^ xx

Friday, October 26, 2012

A change of direction

I have seemingly found my blogging muse. As well as wanting to be an RN (Registered Nurse) I also have a bit of a dream of being an Author. Today in my Creative Writing class we did critique circle where we read over one or two poems and tell the authors what we think of the poems and how they can improve them. Well, being as shy and self-critical of myself as I am I submitted a poem anonymously. It sort of worked out well, I didn’t get much feedback, but that which I did was mostly good. One person didn’t like the punctuation that I used, but it was basically the whole point of the poem.
Also, we turned a portfolio in last week that had different stories and other things we had to write. Though there were a few mistakes, I got 100% on it. It made me so happy and confident that I’m going to try to finish the novel that I began just so I had something to turn in. Mr. H, my teacher thought that my poems were nearly flawless. Talk about a big ego boost. ^_^

So, now that I know what I want to blog about, I think I'll be a bit better about not straying off subject too much. Thank you for reading ^_^ Have an amazing day. xx

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


So this morning when I walked out of the house to go to the bus stop it was raining! I love the rain so much. It pretty much made my day.
It is also getting darker in the mornings. Last Tuesday I think the sun had partially risen, today it might as well have been midnight. Though, guess the clouds could have done that. I love the rain.
The remainder of the day was heavily overcast, which I also love.
Unfortunately, today is Tuesday. Better than Monday, but at least Monday is early release. Instead, we have intervention hour to catch up in our classes. I got flagged for the first time today- a test for History, but I stayed after school for that yesterday so I just studied my Nursing Assisting test that I have Thursday.
I got my first 100% of the year today, it was in my other medical class, Medical Physiology and Anatomy. I'm bragging a little here, but that class is pretty difficult so I'm pretty pumped to have gotten 100% on a test. The nearest I've gotten to 100% was in the same class, and I was off by one or two questions.
All in all the school day was pretty good, mostly because of the overcast sky and the awesome rain this morning. The bus ride home from the CLC (Community Learning Center, where I take my NA classes.) Was pretty awesome too- my friends came up with these 'interesting' ideas. One is that S is going to convert a car into a backwards car, have invisi-LED panel on the windshield and 'drive backwards' while he's actually driving normally. It was great just talking about it. This kid that I don't really know decided to throw in that a completely motorized unicycle would be pretty awesome as well.

Still working on cleaning up those pennies. It is going to take a bunch of them, *sigh* but I really wanna do it! So, I will. My grandma brought me two rolls of pennies from the bank and that really helped. I've figured out I'm going to need at least 305 pennies. I don't know why that seems like so many, cause it really isn't. But hey, at least I'm not trying to do this .... Yet xD.
It is only a matter of time ^_^.

Well, thanks for reading, have an amazing day! xx

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, October 22nd

First day back to school after a four day weekend… Not fun. Not only is it the first day back, it is also a Monday. I despise Mondays. Why must Monday be so far from Saturday, yet Saturday be so near to Monday? Bleh >,< I guess I’ll just grin and bear it through this week. I really don’t like school- waking up early ( I am definitely not a morning person. I’d really, really rather stay up all night and sleep through the day… ) and getting home after three. I just don’t enjoy it. I feel like my entire day is gone ( Maybe that is just the homeschoolee in me )and I hate it. I’m a Junior in High school, and first term ends this Friday. I can’t wait to be out of here. But then there is college. Which I think I’ll like a lot better since I can actually narrow down everything to what I want to do.

Today after school I hung out with a friend that I haven’t hung out with ( Or really even spoken to ) in ages. It was fun, but a little awkward. I guess I’ve just gotten used to talking with my other friends, because I said a lot of things she didn’t really respond to. But whatever, it was nice cause we used to be close and we were able to catch up and drool over some cute guys on TV ^_^
I really do hope to start posting crafts and things soon, but for now, seeing as I don’t really have any crafts or followers, I’ll probably just be doing this sort of diary thing. Once I get some momentum, however, I hope to post things at least every other day. Right now I’m collecting pennies for my first project, but it’s a little tough since we don’t have loose change around the house. I don’t really see how people do it, ugh.
Well, anyways. Thanks for reading. :3 Have a great day. xx

Sunday, October 21, 2012

We went to a wedding last night.

Well, last night my mother and I went to a wedding. The girls mom (My mother's friend, G.) did EVERYTHING. It was beautiful.
The food was tasty and cute at the reception. The theme of the wedding was sort of rustic.
So, for the reception G set up a long table and used different rustic themed items to store the food, dutch ovens and their lids, tree stumps... all sorts of things. They had mini blue berry cobblers ( I mean mini, two could fit in the palm of your hand, it was so cute! ), s'mores push up pops, mini pumpkin pies ( same size as the cobblers ), little cups of baked beans, a granola stand, mini chicken salad sandwiches, mini Apple pies on a stick... it was truly and deliciously amazing.
The way they served the food made people mingle more, instead of just sitting and talking with the same people because there were no plates. You had to get up each time you wanted something more.
The wedding and reception were held in the same church, in the same room, at basically at the same time. So everything had to flow perfectly and it did.
This experience gave me ideas for my own wedding, and possibly the hopefully soon wedding of my brother and his girl friend.
Because it was indoors and the bride wanted an outdoor wedding, some firends of G painted and hanged a mural on two of the walls- it was a beautiful mountainscape.
All in all I loved the wedding, even though I was mostly on refill duty ( Though, I know G I don't really know her daughter ) I got a view of the adorable interworkings of a beautiful wedding.

Have a great day guys xxoo

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Friendly Introduction

Hi, I’m DJ, and I’m new to blogging.
Here I’ll lay out my story- who I am and what I enjoy doing.
So I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I hope to enjoy writing this. 

To begin, I’d like to tell you where I plan on going with this blog:
I plan on showing off my different crafts, whether it be Crocheting, Knitting, Sewing, or Jewelry making- pretty much anything!
I’ll be giving tutorials on how I make many of the things I’ll be showing you. However, I also plan on beginning my own business, so I won’t be showing everything. ; )

This is a way for me to start getting my business out there and to show other people the few things I can actually make : ) And at the same time, hopefully showing people new things to try to make and do. 

This whole blogging thing is entirely new to me, so please, be patient and understanding ^_^ I hope you guys have a great day today and Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this :3 I’ll be ‘seeing’ you guys later.