Friday, October 26, 2012

A change of direction

I have seemingly found my blogging muse. As well as wanting to be an RN (Registered Nurse) I also have a bit of a dream of being an Author. Today in my Creative Writing class we did critique circle where we read over one or two poems and tell the authors what we think of the poems and how they can improve them. Well, being as shy and self-critical of myself as I am I submitted a poem anonymously. It sort of worked out well, I didn’t get much feedback, but that which I did was mostly good. One person didn’t like the punctuation that I used, but it was basically the whole point of the poem.
Also, we turned a portfolio in last week that had different stories and other things we had to write. Though there were a few mistakes, I got 100% on it. It made me so happy and confident that I’m going to try to finish the novel that I began just so I had something to turn in. Mr. H, my teacher thought that my poems were nearly flawless. Talk about a big ego boost. ^_^

So, now that I know what I want to blog about, I think I'll be a bit better about not straying off subject too much. Thank you for reading ^_^ Have an amazing day. xx

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