So this morning when I walked out of the house to go to the bus stop it was raining! I love the rain so much. It pretty much made my day.
It is also getting darker in the mornings. Last Tuesday I think the sun had partially risen, today it might as well have been midnight. Though, guess the clouds could have done that. I love the rain.
The remainder of the day was heavily overcast, which I also love.
Unfortunately, today is Tuesday. Better than Monday, but at least Monday is early release. Instead, we have intervention hour to catch up in our classes. I got flagged for the first time today- a test for History, but I stayed after school for that yesterday so I just studied my Nursing Assisting test that I have Thursday.
I got my first 100% of the year today, it was in my other medical class, Medical Physiology and Anatomy. I'm bragging a little here, but that class is pretty difficult so I'm pretty pumped to have gotten 100% on a test. The nearest I've gotten to 100% was in the same class, and I was off by one or two questions.
All in all the school day was pretty good, mostly because of the overcast sky and the awesome rain this morning. The bus ride home from the CLC (Community Learning Center, where I take my NA classes.) Was pretty awesome too- my friends came up with these 'interesting' ideas. One is that S is going to convert a car into a backwards car, have invisi-LED panel on the windshield and 'drive backwards' while he's actually driving normally. It was great just talking about it. This kid that I don't really know decided to throw in that a completely motorized unicycle would be pretty awesome as well.
Still working on cleaning up those pennies. It is going to take a bunch of them, *sigh* but I really wanna do it! So, I will. My grandma brought me two rolls of pennies from the bank and that really helped. I've figured out I'm going to need at least 305 pennies. I don't know why that seems like so many, cause it really isn't. But hey, at least I'm not trying to do this .... Yet xD.
It is only a matter of time ^_^.
Well, thanks for reading, have an amazing day! xx
I don't know what I would've done over the years without saving pennies (and other change!). When I was in 6th grade and wanted the Felicity American Girl doll, I largely saved the money in the form of change I picked up off of sidewalks, earned doing chores, or got by selling my lunch at school (not recommended!). Later, saving change helped get me to England and now it has kept us from having to borrow money to buy diapers several times. Don't give up! Also, always check around vending machines--people drop change there often!